Art Education
KyAEA News and Events
Upcoming Dates to Know:
Regional All State Deadlines in February! Visit the All State page for details.
February 19-March 15 ES and MS All-State Art Show
May 5-24 High School All-State Show
March 20-22 NAEA in KY!
NAEA 2025
Louisville, KY
March 20-22
NAEA is coming to Kentucky and you do NOT want to miss it! Visit NAEA today and register. And be sure to visit the KyAEA table across from registration!
Supporters and Sponsors
Student artwork featured at the top of the page are from the 2024 KyAEA All State Art Competition.
Top Row, left to right: Laila D, Zahid P, Maggie B, Bryce H
Bottom Row, left to right: Hazel M, Penelope B, Eleanor H, Madalyn R
The Kentucky Art Education Association (KyAEA) aspires to ensure that its programs, services, opportunities, communications, and membership opportunities are accessible to all individuals, and to fully comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Additionally, KyAEA and its members align with the principles of ARTS FOR ALL KENTUCKY and believe that all students with a disability deserve access to high quality arts education and arts experiences.
To learn more, visit Arts for All Kentucky